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Users are very curious about which type of steel core plastic door is the best, the most reasonable price, should use steel core plastic door or not?… Thousands of questions have been asked but have not found an appropriate answer. Today SUNSPACE DOORS JOINT STOCK COMPANY Will advise customers on steel core plastic doors to know how to choose the door, what is the price structure?

Advice on choosing a company
In the vibrant market of steel core plastic doors, there are hundreds of different brands that make users wonder which brand is the best quality.
To evaluate and choose Which brand's steel core plastic door is good?Customers do not need to rely entirely on the popularity, word of mouth, or advertising of large steel core plastic door manufacturers because famous brands are often much higher in price than other brands. because the price is inflated due to high advertising costs. The best way to choose is to choose the quality ingredients that make up the product.
Compared to famous brands such as Eurowindows, Century, Start ... which are advertised heavily and are known by many users, but really about the price, it is probably not suitable for the majority of customers of the Vietnamese market.
This does not mean that customers should choose a cheap brand with no name. Choosing a company is not too important for steel core plastic, but the most important thing is the quality of the material that makes up the door.
Advice on choosing steel core plastic door components
Profile plastic bar

The first structure that the bridge is interested in is the plastic profile bar, the soul of the steel core plastic door. It is no exaggeration to say that the name of the steel core plastic door originates from this profile bar.
Standard quality plastic bar products according to European standards are made in Germany such as: Veka, Rehau, Dimex, etc. In addition, China is also a brand of plastic rods, but it is necessary to know the distinction because Chinese goods There are always two types, the very good and the bad. A Chinese brand known as Sparlee seems cheaper than a German product, but the quality of the plastic is thinner.
In Vietnam, there are also reliable brands such as Euro, Queen, Sea, Shile…. currently being prioritized by Vietnamese people because of reasonable prices and peace of mind when it comes to Vietnamese goods.
This material and the profile bar are the two main components of the door. However, compared to plastic bars, glass is much easier to choose. Depending on the needs of use, choose types of glass such as normal glass, safety glass, tempered glass, ... and the thickness also depends on the purpose of use.
Currently, glass does not need to import high-class glass such as laminated safety glass, tempered glass can be produced in Vietnam to reduce costs while still ensuring quality.
Metal parts

Metal accessories are also quite diverse with many types such as GQ, GU, ROTO.
Of all the types, GQ is the most widely used accessory line in Vietnam. GQ metal accessories are divided into 3 types, respectively 1,2,3 according to the decreasing level of cost as well as quality.
The quality of GU is considered good quality, but there are many fakes that are difficult to distinguish, so if you choose to choose, you need to know how to distinguish fake goods to ensure quality.
ROTO is the most expensive gas accessory and is a high-end German product line, so it is only suitable for a few users.
Advice on the price of steel core plastic doors
The choice of door price is very lame because whatever money comes with it is the brand. However, when choosing, pay attention to the following issues:
- Type of plastic used
- Steel core thickness
- What kind of glass?
- Accessories from which brand?
These are the criteria when choosing, if the same product line is more expensive than elsewhere, you should reconsider. Consider why there is a difference.
Skill and technique are extremely important if good accessories and poor workmanship cannot produce a good quality product. Come to aluminum and glass SUNSPACE You can completely trust us. Not only sticking to the profession, we also work dedicatedly to bring the best products with reasonable prices.
Hanoi: ADG Tower, 37 Le Van Thiem, Thanh Xuan District
Hotline: 1900.98.98.48 – Tel: (024) 44 55 00 66
HCM: SAIGON PRIME Building – No. 107-109-111 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, District 3
Tel: (028) 62 57 78 55
FACTORY : D3 Street, Pho Noi A Industrial Park, Yen My, Hung Yen
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